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Intel Update 4: Pledge Manager Closed and Pre-production

Greetings Soldiers,

We hope that everyone is enjoying their Summer ( or winter if you are Down Under) and have a good holiday season.  We also have some team members enjoying their “vacation” but with everything going forward we always stay in touch with each other. But enough chit chat lets get to it!

Pledge manager Closed

Your enthusiasm and contributions have made this endeavor a resounding success,  we have had our technical ups and downs, and some support tickets to work on but it all worked out in the end. Thanks to your incredible support, we have not only met but exceeded our initial fundraising goals for charity. Your contributions of over more than 1500 Super-Bunkers will make a meaningful difference. On top of that we have had a lot of you asking if the overcharge and leftover credits also could go t必利勁 o charity or Chris’s family. We are sincerely touched and thankful.

One of the charity’s we support

The Pledge manager is now closed but those who have any last-minute concerns or changes regarding their pledges, don’t worry! Our  support team is ready to assist you. If you need any assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team, and they will be more than happy to help.


Now, onto the exciting part! We are happy to inform you that we are currently in the pre-production phase, which is progressing smoothly. We are close to completing this stage, and we can’t wait to share some pre-production samples with all of you. These samples will give you a glimpse of the high-quality components and meticulous craftsmanship that will soon grace your tabletops. They are all painted by Bryan.  More images from Bryan can be found in our community discord.

Pre-Production Mega-Bunker Sample (models com必利勁 e unpainted)
Pre-Production Factory sample (Models come unpainted)
Pre-Production Factory sample,(Models come unpainted)

For an even more detailed and immersive view of these pre-production samples, we have prepared a special Video  for you, Bryan, has put together the latest video showcasing these models. Be sure to check it out for an up-close look at what’s to come! If you missed it we also have a video about the latest  Stretch Goals.


However, we must also share a minor revision to our original timeline. Due to the addition of extra components and the time invested in creating the samples, our delivery schedule has shifted slightly. Rest assured, we are working diligently to ensure everything is perfect, and we now estimate that delivery will take place in the first quarter of 2024. We will do monthly updates on the progress of the game mostly containing production and delivery news. If there are any topics we should address in a update share it in the comments. We tried really hard to hit December and we had a very small window in which it was possible, but we would rather have the game be as perfect as possible then rush the game to hit a timeline. 


Our team has already begun the process of translating the game into multiple languages. We are immensely grateful to those who have stepped forward to assist with translations, and your efforts are highly appreciated. 


If you do have a new question or concern please just reach out and submit a ticket: https://badcrowgames.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new .

Also If you have any questions about CoHbg2  join our community  DISCORD,  play TTS games, talk with other players and playtesters, use it with your translations group  or just have some fun. We also have a  FACEBOOK page if you prefer this above discord.

Thanks for the support.


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