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Addition #2, Status of New Molds


Sorry we are a little late with this update, lots going on with the Bad Crow Games family. 

This update will be short and sweet. 


Sorry if the addition of the 2nd Wehrmacht Elephant to the Pathfinder pack caused any undo stress to all those Veteran backers who also wanted a second one. Well let me ease your pain, the update kit will also include another Wehrmacht Elephant. 

We will have at least one more announcement before the end of the year regarding additions. So stay tuned. 


Currently we are reviewing the 3D samples that we have just received, we are spending extra time to make sure everything is exactly as we want it before we start production on the mold for the new miniatures. We are still on pace for Q2 2024. I am hoping that by the next update before the end of the year we will have started production. 

Here are some of the pictures of the minis that we received today. 

The trees look good, minor problem with the flag and base. 

We have found a few very minor issues that we should be able to resolve easily and start production on the molds. 



If you do have a new question or concern please just reach out and submit a ticket: .

Also If you have any questions about CoHbg2  join our community  DISCORD,  play TTS games, talk with other players and playtesters, use it with your translations group  or just have some fun. We also have a  FACEBOOK page if you prefer this above discord.

Thanks for the support.


Brian Gabrielson and the Bad Crow Games Team

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